about 1 year ago - Nadhirah Afiqah

How To Write a Proper Job Application Email using ChatGPT? [With templates]

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How To Write a Proper Job Application Email Using ChatGPT? [With templates]


Seeking employment can be a challenging and intimidating endeavor, especially given the unique circumstances we currently face. Among the most anxiety-inducing aspects of the job application process is the moment when you actually submit your resume. Perhaps you can empathize with the sudden rush of apprehension that washes over you after hitting the 'send' button, knowing that your resume is on its way to a potential employer.


You might find yourself struggling to compose a cover email, and you may have even resorted to searching for examples online. In the midst of your overwhelmed thoughts, questions may arise about the necessity of these cover emails. Do people truly take the time to read them? Wouldn't it be so much simpler if hiring managers just focused on reviewing my resume?


How Cover Emails Can Enhance Your Prospects:


1.     Sending an email offers a concise and streamlined means of presenting essential details about your qualifications and experience to a recruiter or hiring manager.

2.     It serves as a unique method for expressing your enthusiasm for a specific job within an organization. It allows for a personalized touch by explaining your source of awareness about the position and highlighting your suitability.

3.     A resume, on its own, lacks the contextual information that hiring managers require. Cover emails play a pivotal role by informing hiring managers or prospective employers about the specific role you're pursuing and precisely how your qualifications align with it.


What is ChatGPT


ChatGPT is a versatile language model that can perform a wide range of tasks, such as responding to queries, creating lists, generating text paragraphs, and even writing code in various programming languages.


In a recent survey conducted by Fishbowl, a social platform owned by the employer review site Glassdoor, approximately 30% of the nearly 4,500 professionals who participated indicated that they have already incorporated OpenAI's ChatGPT or a different artificial intelligence program into their work.


To gain access to ChatGPT, the first step is to register for a ChatGPT account. Occasionally, the service might be at total capacity, in which case you'll need to wait until it becomes available again. Once you have access, you'll be directed to a page where you can input the questions or prompts you'd like to pose to ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is used in various applications, including chatbots, virtual assistants, content generation, and more, to facilitate human-computer interactions and assist with natural language processing tasks


Create a cover email using ChatGPT


Create a cover email that is specifically suited to the needs of the job at hand by using ChatGPT.


Research the qualifications and abilities needed for the position you're applying for. Highlight your experience and talents that are relevant to the job's requirements for your cover email using ChatGPT. Make sure your cover email is error-free and accurately represents you by editing and proofreading it.


Example: “Please create a cover email for me that highlights my experience with the Oracle ERP Cloud Solutions and Modules for the role of a Warehouse Manager.”

Example: “Kindly craft for me a cover email that highlights my experience with the Java and Python programming languages for the role of software developer”

Use ChatGPT to learn more about potential employers so you can adjust your application.


Research the organizations you are interested in working for and learn about their vision, core principles, and most recent news. Examine the data you gathered using ChatGPT to determine how your experience and talents match the firm's demand. Make it clear in your cover email how your qualifications and expertise fit with the goals and core principles of the business.


Example: “Please show me the list of companies and organizations for the IT industry in Malaysia."

Email Templates for Your Next Job Application

 Download template here

Job application email does get read. To some employers, it is one of the important parts of your job application. They will view your email first and then proceed to read your CV if what you write in your cover email captures their attention. You cannot just let the resume a chance to justify itself if that were the situation you'd totally botch the chance to tell prospective employers what your identity is, feature why they should procure you, and stand apart from the various candidates.​

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Nadhirah Afiqah- Marketing Assistant