over 4 years ago - Nadhirah Afiqah

​Safely back To Work in the New Normal

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Safely back To Work in the New Normal

Numerous organisations are currently at a basic crossroads as they explore a staged move from remote work to restart activities and support their staff to re-visitation of the work environment, all inside the prerequisites of the new physical distancing economy.

We’re learning a lot from countries who are ahead of the curve. As a global employer, we’re paying close attention to what’s working in markets where business has
reopened. The common denominator is building confidence and trust with employees. Worker confidence is bolstered through widespread testing, the reliance on data and technology, and open, transparent communication.

Because of the most serious worldwide wellbeing crisis in living memory, and to counter its impact on economies around the globe, we formed a unique alliance led by the three biggest worldwide HR administration organizations – Randstad NV, the Adecco Group, and ManpowerGroup - has formed into a development that incorporates uphold from Recruit, ASA and WEC and others.

Organizing a safe return to work 

It’s a step-by-step process. To advance people’s wellbeing as they return to work, clear guidelines, cycles, and protocols should be consequently be set up to help both employers and employees. This should be composed per nation, per area, and at last per organisation. Wellbeing and safety protocols should be refreshed for the impermanent 'economy driven by physical distancing'.


How the HR services industry can help?


As HR services are dynamic across countries and areas, they work for both enormous endeavors and SMEs, and would thus be able to use best practices of
nations that are on top of things and areas that stayed open.


Specifically, players in the HR services industry:

  • have inside and out information on work market measures in different areas and organisations

  • They work as intermediaries between employers and employees – as such, they understand the problems/challenges faced by each and serve both interests

  • have huge global networks covering all every single important stakeholders

  • have demonstrated dexterity with evolving conditions, and in helping customers and ability to plan for the future – it is their centre business

Enabling a safe return to work


In close cooperation with employers and workers, HR services providers have since quite a while ago grasped and coordinated the necessary health and security measures, for example, legislative and area guidelines. This is important for the area's customary exercises while putting workers on location. The additional estimation of major parts in the HR services industry lies in their capacity to share information and skill about existing prescribed procedures in the distinctive Health and Safety approaches across areas and nations.

They help coalesce the sector’s combined knowledge and expertise:

  • Specialists in the area can provide access to company cases to gain from peers in the equivalent or various areas.  

  •  They can open existing material and potential methodologies based on individual difficulties.

  • They can assist managers with exploring the designs to restart their business dependent on best practices and associate them to the correct contacts (locally or

  • They can offer reasonable help as far as adaptable gracefully of work, labour force the executives, actualizing distant working, progressing, preparing and abilities
    improvement, and that's just the beginning

An adapted version of NIOSH’s (National Institute for Occupational Safety / Health) Hierarchy of Controls to define the levels of risk and the right
approach in specific circumstances (e.g. COVID-19 prevention and strategic recovery.)

​In light of this, read our global report Safely Back to Work in the New Normal that talks about specific endeavours to make a vital contribution to the process of preparing for the new normal, and expedite getting people safely back to work.

You can download the report here:

Safely back to work in the new normal

As an active member of the community, we understand the challenges that employers are going through right now.

If you are planning to reopen your workplace, let us know how we can help on your workforce needs and for developing custom workforce solutions at a competitive rate.

Fill up the form below and our experts will be in touch with you in 24 hours:

31 Oct 2020

Posted by:

Nadhirah Afiqah - Marketing Assistant